Tuesday, June 2, 2009

To Catch a Thief/High Society

This weekend, I had a mini Grace Kelly marathon and saw To Catch a Thief once again...it is a rather suspenseful and witty thriller with awesome performances by both Cary Grant and Grace Kelly (The rest of the cast was great, too), and they had a strong chemistry - their love scenes were pitch prefect. I loved how Hitchcock lightened up the story with witty and smart comedy - there were a couple of scenes that made me chuckle (SPOILER: The final scene is one...). Overall, it is a great as I remembered it and it remains a great Hitchcock thriller.

Next up, I saw High Society and this one was for the first time. I liked the nods to The Philadelphia Story, and how some things are more fully explored (IE, The relationship between Connor and Liz, Dexter's and Tracy's honeymoon ext.) - however, I can't help but liking Cary Grant and James Stewart better than Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra, and Grace Kelly - who was awesome in the film - had better chemistry with Cary and Jimmy in To Catch a Thief and Rear Window. That's not to say I do not like Bing and Frank, though. Overall, I did enjoy the film and I though it was very cute. Three stars out of four.

Till next time, fellow movie lovers!

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