Saturday, June 27, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen review

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen last night. I have so much to say: the movie was loud, rowdy, and not engaging. The direction was terrible, and just as I was thinking that Michael Bay had started to redeem himself after watching the first Transformers film, he goes back to his mindless, in-your-face action roots. The acting was also as terrible, particularly Megan Fox. She and her character are so shallow, that she seems to exist in the film for the sole purpose of eye candy for macho high school and college freshman males. The story and visuals are a mess: you can hardly tell what is going on and the story is incoherent and childish, and is filled with useless, childish moments (A transformer who transforms into a human female? WHAT?! Really? Lame and disgraceful to the classic cartoon.) and unfunny and corny comedic relief: Humping dogs and robots? What WAS THAT ABOUT?! Scenes with Sam's crazed mother at her son's fist day at college were completely childish, stupid and unnecessary. Sam's roommate was annoying and not very interesting. And Shia Labeouf's performance was shallow and dull. As I was sitting my chair, I kept looking at my cell phone, watching the clock, desperate for this mindless, loud action "spectacle" to end. It was way too long for its own good, because the movie dragged, piratically towards the ending.

The first Transformers was solid, popcorn munching fun. It even made you feel for the Autobots. In this one, not even - SPOILER - the death of one makes you feel or shed a tear. It was actually almost laughable. This one is not even worthy of being called its sequel. It was childish, stupid, incoherent and I actually want to think to myself, "What were they thinking?". If I could rate the film no stars, I could, but I have to rate it 1 out of 4 stars.

That's all for today, till next time!

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