Monday, April 27, 2009

Blu-Ray News/Twilight Review

Two classic films celebrate their 70th anniversary this year - Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz. It seems that Warner Bros. is planning a Blu-Ray release for them. You can visit the new Wizard of Oz site here. Pre-Order Gone with The Wind here.

Well, it's hard to believe how time files, but the Summer Movie Season begins Friday with X-Men Origins: Wolverine! It is quite possibly the most exciting season of the year for movies and I can't wait to get started! Although I feel there is not much variety in the blockbuster world due to last year's Writer's Strike, it should be a very interesting season this year.

In other news, I recently saw Twilight on DVD. It was an entertaining picture with solid performances from the two leads, but the romance and some of the dialogue between Bella and Edward seemed too come dangerously close to childish and cheesy at times, at least for me. The movie felt a little too short and left me wishing it could have lasted a bit more, but keep in mind that I have never read the novel. It was an enjoyable film, but I was not crazy about it as my older sister is, but I do understand, however, why Tweens eat the film up, because it was probably made in part made for them. I am probably in the minority in thinking that Robert Pattinson is not hot - I have seen better, but this is just my opinion. I rate it Two Stars out of Four.

Well, that's it for now. Till next time, have a nice day!

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