Monday, May 17, 2010

Iron Man 2

Well, since I wasn't able to go last weekend due to my trip to Disneyland, I finally got around to seeing Iron Man 2. Maybe I was kind of expecting this to top the first the one, but I was a bit disappointed. But that doesn't mean the movie was not good. It is certainly fun to watch, and Robert Downey Jr, the main attraction, does not disappoint. However, I thought that the story was weaker than the first one (It was a bit dummed down...with more humor and wisecracks, and the villain was not very intimidating or very interesting.), but it was still solid. I guess I am complaining because of the quality of the first film, but this one is worth seeing, and even if you don't like it, you cannot deny that Robert Downey Jr is worth everything. While I thought the cast did their job well, and the action scenes were well executed (But short in length at times), I can't help but feel nostalgic for the first one. Tereance Howard, who played James Rhodes in the first one, passed on this film, and that's quite sad, actually. I would have loved to see what we would have done with this film. All in all, a fun film, though I definitely was more captivated by the first one. Two and a half stars out of four.

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